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There are about 150 different types of perennials and bulbs in the nursery including:

  • Rare plants and bulbs
  • Border perennials
  • Rockery plants
  • Woodland plants
  • Potted bulbs

There are a few seed varieties and plastic labels available for sale. Visitors can obtain a printed catalogue and are welcome to wander around and enjoy looking at the variety of lines on offer. Some photos are on display or online.

"Its been said that life is like a garden.
 Every small work of kindness and every thoughtful gesture is like a tiny seed.  
And when you plant these seeds, wonderful things can happen."  - Tracey Donovan

Fragaria Lipstick


(Ornamental Strawberry). To 15 cms. Bright lipstick-red flowers from spring onwards. Small bright red, edible strawberries. Sun or part shade.

Saxifraga crustata


Alpine. 30 to 40 cms when in flower. Dense mat of grey green rosettes with silvery edging. Panicles of small starry flowers with long yellowish-white petals. Rockery. Sun or light shade.

Doronicum caucasicum


Height to 50 cms. Large daisy like flowers in spring. Moist but well-drained soil. Sunny border, light shade or woodland garden. Winter dormant.

Incarvillea delavayi alba


To 35 cms. Masses of large, pure white trumpet shaped flowers from late spring. Stunning. Cut back after flowering so this will rebloom. Bold, divided leaves. Sun. Moist but well-drained soil. Nice for pots.

Salvia x jamensis 'Raspberry Royale'


Height to 70 cms. Stunning raspberry-purple flowers from late spring, over many months. Sun and good drainage.



Mixed varieties and hardy for outdoors. Light shade best. Under rhododendrons is ideal. Tolerate a drier soil.