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There are about 150 different types of perennials and bulbs in the nursery including:

  • Rare plants and bulbs
  • Border perennials
  • Rockery plants
  • Woodland plants
  • Potted bulbs

There are a few seed varieties and plastic labels available for sale. Visitors can obtain a printed catalogue and are welcome to wander around and enjoy looking at the variety of lines on offer. Some photos are on display or online.

"Its been said that life is like a garden.
 Every small work of kindness and every thoughtful gesture is like a tiny seed.  
And when you plant these seeds, wonderful things can happen."  - Tracey Donovan

Roscoea alpina 'Royle'


Pretty pink and white, orchid-like flowers early summer. Light shade and good drainage. Hardy. Winter dormant.

Veronica spicata Purple


40 to 60 cms in height. Summer flowering with long spikes of purple flowers. Clump forming. Sun. Winter dormant.

Anemone nemerosa pale lavender blue


To 10 cms. Pretty pale lavender blue flowers in spring. Deep green foliage. Ground cover for border, rock garden, tubs and under trees and shrubs. Rich, well-drained soil. Semi-shade. Winter dormant

Hepatica nobilis - Mixed


Beautiful flowers. (Jewels of Spring). Lavender blue to blue flowers in spring and occasionally again late summer to autumn. May include other colours at times. Some may have marbled leaves. Suits light shade.

Teucrium scorodonia Crispum Marginatum


(Woodland sage). 35 cms. Mounding ground cover with unusual. ruffled leaves with a touch of white on the edges. Nice texture. Spikes of tiny charming lipped, cream to pale yellow-green flowers in summer. Shade. Tolerates dry conditions once established. Winter dormant.

Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata'


. Rare. Variegated lily of the valley, with cream-striped leaves and cream-white flowers. Only one piece with large shoot per pot. Most variegated cultivars revert to plain leaves within a few years, but 'Albostriata' is less likely to do so. Plants don't spread as readily as other varieties, making it a good choice for small gardens. It works well when grown at the front of a shady border or beneath shrubs, and works very well in a vase. Arching racemes of bell-shaped, white flowers with an extremely rich perfume, from late spring. Shade. Woodland garden or shady border. Winter dormant.