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There are about 150 different types of perennials and bulbs in the nursery including:

  • Rare plants and bulbs
  • Border perennials
  • Rockery plants
  • Woodland plants
  • Potted bulbs

There are a few seed varieties and plastic labels available for sale. Visitors can obtain a printed catalogue and are welcome to wander around and enjoy looking at the variety of lines on offer. Some photos are on display or online.

"Its been said that life is like a garden.
 Every small work of kindness and every thoughtful gesture is like a tiny seed.  
And when you plant these seeds, wonderful things can happen."  - Tracey Donovan

Dodecatheon meadia


(Shooting Star) . To 30 cms. Forms a basal clump of smooth broad-bladed leaves. Heads of down-turned dart-like flowers with reflexed petals. Shades of pinky-mauve. Damp soil, part shade. Winter dormant.

Primula florindae - apricot/cream


(Giant Cowslip). To 60 cms. Beautiful apricot/cream colour. Fragrant scented flowers summer/autumn. Light shade and moist soil. Winter dormant.

Geranium 'Katherine Adele' - 5 pieces


5 pieces - sent barerooted in damp newspaper. To 30 cms. Compact with beautiful brown markings on leaves and pretty, pink flowers. Suitable for part shade, woodland conditions. Fertile well-drained soil.

Hosta 'Purple Heart'


To 40 cms. Leaves have thick substance and are clear lime to mid green. Dark purply red stems with the colour extending into the base of the leaves. Slight veining. Violet flowers. Winter dormant.