There are about 150 different types of perennials and bulbs in the nursery including:
There are a few seed varieties and plastic labels available for sale. Visitors can obtain a printed catalogue and are welcome to wander around and enjoy looking at the variety of lines on offer. Some photos are on display or online.
"Its been said that life is like a garden.
Every small work of kindness and every thoughtful gesture is like a tiny seed.
And when you plant these seeds, wonderful things can happen." - Tracey Donovan
To 10 cms. Stems have umbels of up to 12 bright rose-red flowers with a small yellow eye. Alpine. Moist soil.
Mixed colours, may include pale lavender, bright pink, silver/pink or white. Height to about 20 cms. Usually summer/autumn dormant. Leaves are pale green, wrinkled and covered in short hairs. Pretty flowers, often fringed, in spring. Part shade. Light woodland.
30 cms. Pointed, bright lime-green leaves with dark red veins. Harvest young leaves for salads. Sun/light shade and moist soil
10 large bulbs - sent loose in damp peat. To 60 cms. (Summer Snowflake). Nodding bell-shaped, white, green-tipped flowers in spring. Suitable for naturalising, rock gardens, under shrubs and trees, woodland gardens and in flower beds. Autumn/early winter dormant.
Beautiful, long flowering ,clump forming ground cover. To 40cm high with rounded, scalloped green basal leaves up to 10cm across in rosettes and smaller stem leaves. Flat clusters of small white flowers winter to spring, followed by small green fruits which are shaped like upside-down hearts. Brightens up garden with the large bright white flowers.
Dwarf variety with pretty deeply coloured salmon pink flowers in spring. Sun and good drainage. Semi-dormant in winter.