20cm. Dwarf with dainty purplish/wine blooms with contrasting soft-lemon corolla. Lovely. Winter dormant.
A superior variety. To 80 cms. Forms a compact mould. Long stems bear large, frilly white blooms summer to autumn, that are ideal for picking. Sun or part shade. Lovely, popular border perennial.
Height to 40 cms. Felt-like grey green leaves. Soft lilac blue flowers with prominent veining. Distinctive flower shape, the petals being wide spaced with blunt ended triangular outlined petals. Sun or shady edging. Winter dormant.
Rare sell-out variety. Height to 30 cms. Stunning. Large, long, tubular red flowers in summer. Shade. Consistent moisture but well-drained soil. Winter dormant.
Columbine. 20 cms. Dwarf variety producing masses of pink flowers with creamy white centres in spring. Light second flowering in autumn. Compact for rockery or border edging. Sun, moist but well-drained soil. Winter dormant.