Sea Thrift. Globes of bright pink flowers in summer. Great for sunny rockery or as edging. Compact and low growiing ground cover.
Deep pink flowers. spring time favourite. Silky hairy flowers. Attractive seed heads with feathery tufts or plumes. Rockery or border edging. Light autumn flowering. Sun. Semi dormant in winter.
Height to 50 cms. Bright, tangerine orange, double flowers on compact plants. This vigorous, long blooming variety is easy to grow in most gardens.
Rare. Abundant lavender pink hooded flowers on dark burgundy stems from late spring to summer. Specimen plant. Sun and well drained soil with medium moisture. Tolerates some drought. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Winter dormant.
To 80 cms. Long arching stems of slender bottlebrush like flowers in summer, that are a lovely rosy red colour. Sun. Clump forming habit. Winter dormant.