To 40 cms. Upright slender, long spurred, tubular blue flowers with whitish throats late spring to early summer. May be summer dormant, then autumn flowering. Rhizomatous ground cover for shade. Winter dormant.
To 80 cms. Long arching stems of slender bottlebrush like flowers in summer, that are a lovely rosy red colour. Sun. Clump forming habit. Winter dormant.
To 25 cms. Hanging creamy white bells, attractive green and white striped variegated leaves. Shade. Ground cover for woodland. Winter dormant.
(Jewels of Spring). To 10 cms. Very pretty open bowl shaped lavender blue flowers to 2.5 cms across, each with 6-7 sepals are borne in spring, mainly before the leaves. May have a second flowering late summer/autumn. Slow growing hardy perennial. Grow in humus rich, moist but well drained soil in partial shade. Suits a rockery. alpine or woodland garden.
To 90 cms. Long spikes of double white flowers in summer. Sun to part shade. Winter dormant.