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Lathrys latifolius 'Pink Pearl'

Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of pale pink, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Sun. Climber. Winter dormant.

Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of pale pink, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Sun. Climber. Winter dormant.

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Lathrys latifolius 'Red Pearl'


Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of bright red, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Climber. Winter dormant.

Helleborus niger ' White Magic'


Height to about 40 cms. Evergreen. Large white flowers with a green eye. Leathery type foliage. Good drainage essential. Suitable for under Rhododendrons or deciduous trees.

Campanula rotundifolia


(Bluebells of Scotland). Height to 25 cms. Graceful, nodding, mauve-purple bells in early summer. Ideal for edging, containers and rock gardens. Sun. Winter dormant.

Dictamnus albus var. purpureus


(Burning Bush). Plants are 2 years old. Mature plants are up to 90 cms in height. Purple-mauve flowers with darker veins early summer, highly fragrant lemon scented leaves. A beautiful plant when in flower and a favourite of mine. Lovely as specimen plant where you can brush past it. Usually take 4 years to flower. Winter dormant.