Lathrys latifolius 'Pink Pearl'

Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of pale pink, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Sun. Climber. Winter dormant.

Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of pale pink, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Sun. Climber. Winter dormant.

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Salvia Castanea


Seldom seen in New Zealand. 30-60 cms in height. The 1-1.5 in flowers grow in whorls on an inflorescence about 30 cms long. The name castanea, which means 'chestnut coloured', refers to the purplish-maroon flowers. Summer flowering. Sun. Winter dormant.

Helleborus niger ' White Magic'


Height to about 40 cms. Evergreen. Large white flowers with a green eye. Leathery type foliage. Good drainage essential. Suitable for under Rhododendrons or deciduous trees.

Lathrys latifolius 'Red Pearl'


Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of bright red, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Climber. Winter dormant.

Salvia x jamensis 'Riverton Red'


To 70 cms. Purple red flowers in summer - very long flowering. Highly fragrant, attracts bees. Sun and good drainage.