This Oriental Poppy has huge white flowers with orange edging and black centres from late spring. Sunny well-drained postition. Ground cover. May have light second flowering. Winter dormant.
Perennial Poppy. To 70 cms. Really large, salmon pink flowers late spring/early sumer-very stunning. A light flowering usually in autumn. Clump forming, ground cover. Sun. Easy to grow. Winter dormant.
To 1 metre. Huge, deep red, satiny flowers late spring/early summer. Pick flowers just as buds begin to open. Sun. Winter dormant.
Huge dark red, black blotched flowers from late spring. Sunny, well-drained postion. Ground cover. May have light second flowering. Winter dormant.
Very popular and seldom available. Very few perennials will add the character and colour of the flowering poppy. They are perfect for borders or rock displays, and very effective as cut flowers. They are very easy to grow and very attractive. Rich plum coloured Poppy, which is one of the most popular cultivars. Height 70cm. Sun.