This Primula sieboldii has the most goreous silvery pink flowers in spring. Soft, crurmply, scalloped leaves. Partial shade. Summer dormant.
To 80 cms. Forms a compact mould. Long stems bear large, frilly mid to deep lilac blue blooms summer to autumn, that are ideal for picking. Sun or part shade in containers or garden. Colours may vary.
Height 30 to 40 cms. Ground cover. Mounds of green ferny foliage. Beautiful golden yellow flowers for months. Very useful to use at the base of woody trees and shrubs. Part shade and good drainage. Winter dormant.
Height to 50 cms. Light green with irregular margins of creamy yellow fading to white. Lavender flowers. Moist soil, some shade best. Winter dormant.
Height to 50 cms. Heart-shaped dark green leaves with a yellow margin. Lavender flowers. Sun or shade. Winter dormant.
Alpine succulent. To 15 cms. Unusual dangling yellow flowers with fleshy leaves which change colour from mid-green to red. Grow in containers, rockeries and over rock walls. Dappled shade and good drainage. Clump forming. Winter dormant.