
Reineckia carneo


Height to 20 cms. Evergreen ground cover for open woodland or around shrubs. Moist shade. Light pink flowers followed by red berries. Glossy rich foliage.

Rodgersia podophylla


60cms tall. Great architectural plant for moist, humus rich soil and some shade. Striking bronze coloured leaves in spring, going dark green through summer, then turning red in autumn. Masses of tiny creamy white flowers, sometimes flushed pink or red.

Scopolia carniolica


To 60 cms. Rare. A creeping perennial plant, with light green leaves and unusual, pale yellow and brownish red flowers. Suits partial shade, moist soil. Good for woodland areas and perennial borders. Winter dormant.

Semiaquilegia ecalcarata


(False Granny's bonnet). To 40 cms. Graceful, nodding flowers in shades of pink/wine purple/violet, from late springto summer. Finely divided ferny-like foliage. Suits damp bright woodland areas, edging or rock garden. Suitable for areas with morning sun or shade. Winter dormant.

Thalictrum flavum


(Yellow Meadow Rue). Lovely tall variety, growing up to 2 metres in height. Large cloud-like sprays of tiny lemon/yellow flowers which are outstanding for cutting. Best staked. Useful background plant. Winter dormant.

Tricyrtis formosana variegata


(Toad Lily). Unique and easy, hardy perennial for shady areas. Leafy, arching stems produce a fall display of bizarre star-shaped flowers in autumn, excellent for cutting. Soft lavender-pink flowers, heavily spotted in rose-purple. Variegated leaves. Winter dormant. Coded as number six.