
Uvularia grandiflora


(Large flowered Bellwort). To 40 cms. Large showy yellow flowers spring/early summer. Average to rich soil in part shade in a formal flower garden, wildflower garden, woodland or along a shady walkway. Winter dormant.

Francoa appendiculata 'Pink Bouquet'


Stunning variety. Lovely crinkly foliage and spikes of large deep pink flowers in summer. Sun or partial shade..

Astilbe Chinensis


Height to 40 cms. Lovely greenish purple foliage and blue flowers. Sun or partial shade in summer. Winter dormant.

Corydalis flexuosa


To 40 cms. Upright slender, long spurred, tubular blue flowers with whitish throats late spring to early summer. May be summer dormant, then autumn flowering. Rhizomatous ground cover for shade. Winter dormant.

Convallaria majalis - 10 pieces with medium sized shoots


10 pieces of Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley), with medium sized shoots. Height to about 20 cms. Highly fragrant hanging white bells late spring. Lance shaped leaves. Part shade, moist. Winter dormant.

Haemanthus albiflos


Known for its lovely leaves, long flowering season and red berries and is an excellent choice for shady spots in the garden or in pots. Dappled shade is best. Grows up to 25 cms when in flower. Leaves are usually smooth and shiny. Plant with the upper half of the bulb above the soil level. The compact flower heads are up to 5cm wide, consisting of numerous erect, narrow white flowers. The erect stamens protrude conspicuously beyond the tips of the flowers and the anthers turn yellow or orange when ripe. Protect from hard frost – not fully hardy.