
Lathrys latifolius 'Red Pearl'


Rare perennial sweet pea. Heavy trusses of bright red, fleshy, substantial flowers on long strong stems which grow for a long time in summer. Climber. Winter dormant.

Lathrys latifolius 'White Pearl'


Sun or partial shade. To one metre +. Fertile humus rich, well drained soil. Smothered in showy clusters of pure white, sweet pea-like flowers among grey-green leaves. A vigorous climber, it looks lovely scrambling over a sunny wall or through a hedge or evergreen shrub, although initially it needs to be tied into supports. No fragrance. Cut back the plant to ground level in early spring. Winter dormant.

Ourisia coccinea


Rare sell-out variety. Height to 30 cms. Stunning. Large, long, tubular red flowers in summer. Shade. Consistent moisture but well-drained soil. Winter dormant.

Papaver orientale 'Princess Victoria Louise'


Perennial Poppy. To 70 cms. Really large, salmon pink flowers late spring/early sumer-very stunning. A light flowering usually in autumn. Clump forming, ground cover. Sun. Easy to grow. Winter dormant.

Penstemon 'Stapleford Gem'


To 45 cms. Beautiful, large lilac-purple flowers which have pale lilac-pink upper lips and white lower lips and throats, marked with purple lines. Sun/partial shade. Seldom available.

Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon'


COLLECT OCTOBER ONWARDS. To 90 cms. Beautiful foliage. Pointy heart-shaped leaves are medium green with a silvery V-shaped marking and a bronze centre. Sprays of tiny white flowers late summer. Part shade best. Winter dormant.