Sidalcea malviflora

To 50 cms. The pretty pink flowers open in the morning and twist closed at night. Summer flowering. Sun or light shade. Moist soil. Ground cover.

To 50 cms. The pretty pink flowers open in the morning and twist closed at night. Summer flowering ground cover. Sun or light shade and moist soil. 

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Primula Victoriana - lemon form.


To 20 cms. Creamy lemon flowers winter to autumn. Spasmodic flowering. Sun (cool climate) or part shade. Good drainage.

Primula sieboldii


20 cms. Summer dormant. Soft crumply oval leaves, scalloped and stalked that bear pale lavender flowers in spring. Part shade.

Primula Japonica 'Alba'


To 60 cms. Beautiful pure white flowers with honey-yellow centres. Part shade. Suits woodland garden or near water features. Semi-dormant in winter.

Tanacetum coccineum 'Robinsons' Pink'


(Painted Daisy). To 90 cms. Pink, single daisy flowers late spring/summer. Finely-cut, somewhat ferny foliage in a mound. Sun/semi-shade. Cut flowers last well. Cottage garden, mixed border. Dormant in winter.