Narrow petals and flowers are whtie with deep purple specs. Autumn flowering. Rich soil with good drainage. Shady woodland aread is ideal. Groundcover. Winter dormant. Coded No 9.
Height to 50 cms. Lovely double red flowers spring to summer, long flowering. Light shade intensifies flower colour. Sun/part shade, good drainage. Prune early spring to promote new growth. Semi-dormant in winter.
Deep pink flowers. spring time favourite. Silky hairy flowers. Attractive seed heads with feathery tufts or plumes. Rockery or border edging. Light autumn flowering. Sun. Semi dormant in winter.
(Jewels of Spring). To 10 cms. Very pretty open bowl shaped lavender blue flowers to 2.5 cms across, each with 6-7 sepals are borne in spring, mainly before the leaves. May have a second flowering late summer/autumn. Slow growing hardy perennial. Grow in humus rich, moist but well drained soil in partial shade. Suits a rockery. alpine or woodland garden.
Woodland Anemone - double white flowers in spring. Low growing with mat-forming habit. Suitable for under deciduous shrubs and trees. Attractive to pollinating insects. Winter dormant.