Alpine. 30 to 40 cms when in flower. Dense mat of grey green rosettes with silvery edging. Panicles of small starry flowers with long yellowish-white petals. Rockery. Sun or light shade.
Height to about 40 cms. Evergreen. Large white flowers with a green eye. Leathery type foliage. Good drainage essential. Suitable for under Rhododendrons or deciduous trees.
(Mouse plant). 20 cms. Very popular with children! Cute little low growing plant with deep green, glossy, arrowhead leaves and long-tailed, brown and white flowers that suggest mice doing handstands in the greenery. Forms a low patch under trees in spring, goes dormant in hot weather. Often autumn to winter dormant.
Height to 30 cms. Spring emergng fern-like leaves with arching stems carrying pink blooms. Woodland ground cover. Winter dormant.
60cms tall. Great architectural plant for moist, humus rich soil and some shade. Striking bronze coloured leaves in spring, going dark green through summer, then turning red in autumn. Masses of tiny creamy white flowers, sometimes flushed pink or red.
Height 30 to 40 cms. Ground cover. Mounds of green ferny foliage. Beautiful golden yellow flowers for months. Very useful to use at the base of woody trees and shrubs. Part shade and good drainage. Winter dormant.